Being a property owner comes with many responsibilities, whether that property is residential or commercial. Many communities have code enforcement that requires properties to look a certain way to avoid fines or code complaints. That means everyone from a homeowner to a farmer to a commercial building investor is responsible for maintaining the look of the property so that it conforms to local standards.
Even if there are no codes where your property is located, maintaining a beautiful property yields plenty of benefits. The value of the area as a whole can be affected, as well as the curb appeal of the property itself. For homes, guests will feel more welcome when they notice a well-maintained exterior. Commercial buildings are more likely to attract business tenants if the outside is aesthetically pleasing.
But maintaining a beautiful property requires a lot of work. Here are a few tips to ensure your investment is aesthetically pleasing on the outside.
Add An Eye-Popping Border

Property lines are not always obvious, and even if they are, it can be helpful for all to know exactly where property begins and ends. A proper landscape border feature like fencing, tree lines, or hedges can provide that border while also contributing to a better-looking atmosphere.
A homeowner could put in a classic white picket fence or a stone wall to establish a perimeter that also looks clean. Businesses may consider a line of small trees along the property’s front, especially along the street, to draw the eye toward the entrance. The right border feature can serve both a functional and aesthetic purpose.
Invest in Lawn Maintenance

The condition of the lawn on your property has a big impact on the overall atmosphere. Abundant weeds and overgrown grass look very unappealing to passersby, so keeping up with a manicured lawn is essential to make sure the property looks beautiful.
This may require some investment on your part, whether that means paying for a lawn mower service to keep your equipment in tip-top shape, hiring a contractor to do lawn upkeep for you, or using products that foster the growth of grass and kill weeds.
Put in a Unique Landscape Feature

Creating a beautiful property is all about going the extra mile. Simply taking care of the lawn is not enough to make the property stand out, especially since most property owners take care of their grass. However, adding a unique and eye-catching landscape feature can turn a clean property into a gorgeous one.
For example, you could put in a large water feature like a fountain or natural stream surrounded by flower gardens. Perhaps you can craft a multi-level garden that adds depth to the property with various flowers, trees, shrubs, and natural rock formations. Maybe there is a particularly lovely tree on the property that can be highlighted with some stone pathways or benches to direct attention to this unique element. A centerpiece that draws the eye can elevate the entire property. As a bonus, landscaping improvements can affect property value.
View the Property Through the Eyes of a Stranger
This tip is more of a concept than a specific idea to improve your property. Sometimes, it can be hard to view your own home or commercial investment through an objective lens. You will notice things that others may not and vice versa. If you want to make the property more visually appealing to others, you need to try to see it from a stranger’s perspective.
Try walking by the property from the sidewalk and take note of what catches your attention first. Drive a car on the street and do the same thing. You could even look for the street view on Google Maps to see what stands out. If the first things you notice are unattractive, take steps to mitigate that. A fresh perspective of the exterior of your property is necessary to see how others view it when they pass by.
Draw Inspiration From Others
Seeing a feature or look that makes you fall in love with another property is a good thing. There is no reason why you cannot take that concept and duplicate it for your home or commercial property. Or, if you want to beautify your investment and need some ideas, there is always Pinterest or Instagram, both of which are chock-full of landscaping and home improvement ideas to boost curb appeal.
A Beautiful Property Takes Work

Leaving things the way they are is rarely going to result in an aesthetically pleasing look for your investment. Even if many of the above elements are present, there is still work needed to maintain the exterior space, such as mowing the lawn or clearing off pathways.
Whether you have a responsibility to take care of your property because of local codes or not, you must be willing to invest time, energy, and money into making the exterior look appealing. Otherwise, property value could decrease and people may find the atmosphere lacking.
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