You want to view Instagram posts of your friend or the celebrity that inspires you. But you don’t want to attract attention doing so. Let Imginn ensure privacy of viewing for you.
Instagram is cool and trendy. With all the socializing features, it’s at top of its game these days. You use it to connect with your friends and family. And you follow your favorite celebrities on it as well. But sometimes, you need more privacy.
And don’t want to announce to the world who you are following from the Marvel Universe (MCU). Imginn helps you to do just that – allow you to follow whoever you want without getting noticed.
So, Instagram is hot and addictive. But Imginn is what makes this obsession under covers.
Let’s see how Imginn can accompany you as you explore the world of your Instagram accounts.
How Imgrinn Works

For starters, you don’t need an Instagram account to create your Imginn account. Isn’t it wonderful? You didn’t want to be part of the crowd. Now, you don’t even have to be a part of the platform. Stay as aloof as you want to be without losing out on fun.
Imginn doesn’t ask about your Instagram. But it doesn’t mean that you will go undetected. Instead, you have to present your email address to sign up with Imginn. Imginn will grant you access if you give a single data field of an email address after you have given it your name. And of course, you will have to suggest a password to keep your activity safe.
Note that you can only use the app on your mobile devices. This app will not work on your laptop or pc web browser. The app accesses and uses the storage available on your device to access and store data you explore through it.
In addition to only working on smartphones, the app has another requirement to only work on those devices that have the Instagram app already downloaded. Of course, this requirement is there because Imginn relies on Instagram to fetch data.
Once you have created an account and logged in using your credentials, the next step is searching the content you wanted to view without surveillance. Do it by using the search tab available on the app. You can feed the name of the Instagram user you want to follow. Or you can use trending tags to get to the information you desire.
You can use this app to not only watch Instagram stories but you can also download and save them. And the storage offered by the app is cloud-based. So, don’t worry about the Instagram data taking up too much space on your phone.
Advantages of Imginn
Imginn allows numerous advantages to its users. The first and foremost of it is the privacy it offers to the end users.
Privacy of Browsing

There are instances in your social media use when you want to go in incognito mode. You don’t want the said social media platform to keep tabs on your navigation. You don’t want your activity such as your likes and shares appearing on your feed.
You didn’t want to tell the world about your inspirations and plans. And believe me, for more social media users, these goals and plans are easy to deduce because their activity log is a huge tell-tale sign.
If you have an acquaintance or family member that shouldn’t know your likes and dislikes, you would want to keep your works hidden.
The best way to go incognito is to use a third-party app to navigate your activities. There are different apps that allow you to access your social media accounts without getting noticed. Imginn, by far, is the most famous application to go incognito on Instagram.
You may want to preserve your memories from the recent trip without getting noticed for your interest in it. Imginn helps you preview and preserve your memories even after you have fallen out with the person you had created the memories with.
The last condition where you would want to go incognito has nothing to do with the person you are following. You can choose to use Imginn even when you aren’t following a person you wouldn’t follow openly.
Instead, this reason is born out of some people’s decision to quit social media for their own good.
You can be a part of this group of Imginn users if you don’t want to get engulfed by the plethora of information offered on social media and still want to not miss out on all the fun.
If you are the person who is continuously dragged by friends and family in discussion and you don’t want to comment or don’t want to engage in conversations, you can stay hidden and still enjoy their discussion.
Imginn will allow you to view your classmates’ conversation allowing you to act accordingly in formal settings. At the same time, they wouldn’t notice you and will not expect you to spend your time on their chat. This lack of expectation will eventually help you save a lot of time.
Ease of Use
Did I mention that you can use Imginn without becoming a part of the social media ecosystem? That’s a big deal for those folks out there who value their time just as much as it is valued. You don’t have to acquire, create, and maintain your digital personality to use Imginn.
Or maybe the more realistic promise is that you don’t have to create and maintain your social media personality for the use of Imginn. Don’t be too excited. You still need an email address to sign up.
Download Your Favorite Stories
This is the biggest advantage offered by Imginn for everyday folk. If you have no problem with social media use – and if you aren’t on social media detox – you may still want to use Imginn to complement your Instagram use. And no one is judging you for that!
If you are the person who can follow any topic you want on Instagram without relatives policing you, you may still want to use Imgin. Now, you would use it to enhance your social media use. You would download the stories you loved on the platform using this multi-purpose app.
You see, Instagram doesn’t allow you to download any video or image from the platform. Imginn not only allows you to download these pieces of data, it also offers cloud storage to keep these pieces safe.
Is It Safe?
One of the biggest concerns you will face when using this app is the safety of your device and your intellectual property attached to the device. Will Imginn interfere with your device’s functions? Is your device safe from viruses and malware if you have downloaded the app?
There are a few questions that you consider before downloading the app. Note that Imginn is rated safe for devices. It doesn’t try to fetch your personal information from your device.
Still, the ethics of this app are questionable. It allows people to view other people’s stories and content without the latter knowing about the practice. This act breaches the privacy of those people who are being watched in incognito mode.
Take Away
Imginn is a third party app that allows users to view and download content from Instagram without giving away their identity. You can use it to hide your identity. Or it can also be used as a tool to restrict your interaction on social media. In the end, it also helps you by downloading and storing the content you want.